Opus Lighting Incorporated is proud to provide your event with the highest quality of customized gel strings in the industry.
A series of color filters connected end to end used in a color scroller, - A variety of colors and themes are availble for production.
- We can meet your ordering needs from single order to bulk ordering.
- Sizing built to specifications of your order.
- Quality to fit your needs. Surface Coated, Deep-
Dyed, and Body Colored gel strings are available . - Worldwide ordering and shipping.
Opus News
James Launches Opus Lighting
Brandon James is pleased to announce the opening of his brand new company Opus Lighting. With over 19 years of experience in the industry, James is well known for his extensive knowledge, especially in the area of color scrollers. “It is very exciting to be starting a new venture like this. We received our first order on March 1, 2008 and have been running full speed ever since. We have setup operations here in Colorado Springs with a facility that houses our offices and assembly operations. At this point, Opus will primarily be focusing on the production of gel strings,” notes James. “However, there are several new products that we look forward to producing in the future.”
Opus Lighting, named after the idea of a work of art on a grand scale... Read More